Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Bath installation

Well, this was the easiest bit of 'plumbing' I've ever done.  Ever since I brought my crop of willow from Devon, I've been wondering whether I could use our fish pond to soak it.  This seemed a bit harsh on our fish, so I advertised on Flintshire Freegle for a bath.  The system is great, and the following day I was able to help a chap in Abergele get rid of part of his rubbish after a bathroom refit.

This afternoon, in an icy wind, I popped the bath onto a couple of building blocks alongside the barn and out of sight behind an IBC, handily placed to fill it.  So in went the stored rainwater, and the willow, and in a few days time I'll be hoping to start my next basket.


  1. I'm looking forward to reading about your basket. We have a couple of old baths by our veg patch that are very useful for collecting rainwater for watering. The bath you've just acquired looks a perfect size for the willow and an ideal solution.

    1. It's great to have something so useful which would otherwise have gone to landfill.
